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Elon Sets Record For Loosing The Benjamins

Elon Musk has broken the world record for the largest loss of personal wealth in history.

Who new riding the bird would be such a burn! Does Elon care... NOT!

When you are a multi-billionaire, loosing a billion hear and a billion there is no big deal, but Elon Musk had to go ahead and set a new all time world record loss of $165bn. Talk about over achieving. Wow, $165bn is a whole lot of dead presidents!

The big money is not that important to Elon... So what is?

“Going from PayPal, I thought, well, what are some of the other problems that are likely to most affect the future of humanity? Not from the perspective, 'what's the best way to make money,' which is okay, but, it was really 'what do I think is going to most affect the future of humanity". Elon said "The acceleration of sustainable energy is absolutely fundamental, because this is the next potential risk for humanity. Autonomous cars also have the potential to “save millions of lives.”

This is why Elon started Tesla, Space X, and purchased Twitter

The concern over greenhouse gases and global warming also prompted Musk to start SpaceX. As Musk stated on Twitter, it is “essential for humanity to become a multi-planet species & backup the biosphere.” Focus on doing what you love and making a positive impact, and the rest will follow.

“Musk said the acquisition of Twitter was part of his “grander vision” of creating a super app in Western markets. “It's a pretty grand vision and, of course, that could be started from scratch, but I think Twitter would accelerate that by three to five years,” he said.”

Many believe the purchase of twitter, and the subsequent comments and actions he took to right-size the Twitter day-to-day operations was the the main reason his Tesla stock went down 67%. Others believe the main reason is the economic macro conditions that are causing all tech growth stocks to go down substantially. And still others believe that investors are targeting the Tesla shares for stock harvesting. Most likely its a combination all these reasons and more.

In any case, we will continue to see Elon Musk march to the beat of a different drummer and win big along the way.

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