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ICE Car Ownership Cost Is 2X That Of Tesla


Updated: Jan 16, 2023

The total cost of owning a Tesla is a compelling advantage for the consumer.

The Tesla Supercharger can charge a Tesla for 200 miles in 15 minutes.

The following chart shows the top 15 car(non-truck) brands sold in the US in 2022. The chart includes the MSRP, total sales, YOY % change, and how much it cost for fuel and maintenance combined over 5 years.

As you can see the Tesla Model 3 and Tesla Model Y fuel and maintenance cost are much cheaper than the cost for owning a gas powered car. The following chart provides a visual look at how much better Tesla is on fuel and maintenance, compared to the other most sold cars in America.

The table also shows most of the ICE car growth declining a lot in 2022, while the Tesla Model Y and the Tesla Model Y gaining large market share growth year over year.

The following chart shows the 10 year maintenance cost for luxury vehicles, and as you can see Tesla has, by far, the least amount of maintenance cost.

Why buy an EV and why choose a Tesla

Tesla’s fast-selling Model Y crossover has received the highest safety score of any car analyzed under Euro NCAP’s newest and toughest test. The Model Y achieved a 92% score...”

Another vary important reason to consider, when buying a car, is how safe it is. There were 193,564 car crashes in California during 2022, where 277,160 people were injured, And sadly there was 3,582 fatality crashes in California during 2022, were 3,904 people lost there lives.

Tesla plunges 250 off cliff with 2 kids and their parents

This is an amazing story about a family, driving in a Tesla Model Y, along the California cost 20 miles south of San Francisco, that plunged 250 feet down a cliff. You would think that no one would survive a crash like this, but in fact the parents had minor injuries and the kids age 7 and 4 did were unharmed.

“Jingwen Yu, a professor of mechanical engineering at the University of Michigan’s Transportation Research Institute, said the Tesla Model Y SUV appeared to have struck the cliffside as it tumbled toward the ocean.

“Professor Yu said Rollover incidents tend to be far more lethal than front-end or side crashes. While the crash images showed a Tesla Model Y that had suffered major damage, Yu said its integrity appeared to have remained intact. The family survival was a “kind of a miracle, considering the impact severity.”

Here are the top reasons to buy a Tesla

  • Safety

  • Federal Tax credit

  • Fuel Savings

  • Maintenance Savings

  • Car Pool Lane Usage

  • Help Cleanup Earth

  • Better Performance

  • Supercharger Network

  • Better Resale Value

  • Full Self Driving


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