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Rose Colored Glasses Cant Save GM's Weak Earnings Report


Main Stream Media swallows hook and sinker, GM's glowing earnings report

GM has lots of experience spinning bad earnings results into a positive report for MSM.

Main Stream Media Is Blinded By GM's Spell

GM posted solid profit as it pushes forward and upward to take on vulnerable Tesla, who is suffering from demand problems. Yeah, that's about as true as the following:

"President Joe Biden gives Marry Barra the highest praise: Mary. You electrified the entire automobile industry. I'm serious. You led — and it matters."

GM has some very creative message handlers that can turn an ugly duckling into a graceful swan, at least for Main Stream Media. MSM has GM's back, that's for sure. They take GM's report and pump it full of steroids. It's almost as if MSM is GM's personal PR department. MSM may partner with GM and put on the rose colored glasses for them, but the rest of us don't have to. Here's a very good look into what's really going on with GM.

GM's Q4 2022 Earnings In One Word - Disaster

GM's Q4 earnings are being heralded by the mainstream media, but recent trends tell a story that's actually quite poor. Here's a deep dive into GM's earnings.

YouTube Video Source: Farzad Mesbahi @farzyness

Is this GM wishful thinking or are they under in influence of Hopium?

"Demand and pricing for GM’s vehicles “remain strong,” CFO Paul Jacobson told reporters Tuesday morning. He said GM is being “appropriately cautious” but vehicle inventories remain constrained amid strong demand."

Here's a commercial showing GM Stretching the truth about hands free driving.

GM is no where near solving autonomous driving yet they imply that they have or close to it.

"Ross Gerber Co-Founder, President and CEO of Gerber Kawasaki Wealth and Investment Management said GM is running ads offering “hands free driving” - this seems wildly dangerous and inaccurate. -> 2022 GMC SIERRA Denali (We Will Rock You): Commercial."

GM is touting increase in market share, yet their Global market share is exactly the same YoY. GM says inaccurate statements and MSM accepts them as the absolute truth. Main Stream Media never challenges GM on shady facts they disclose.

More General Motors Hopium

"We think the underlying business is going to be pretty consistent with what we saw last year, and I think that’s a slightly more bullish statement than where most of the market is,” said CFO Paul Jacobson."

Tesla is clearly a much better car company and in fact they are pulling away quickly.

GM went under the 6M units sold mark to 5,9M Down 5,6% in 2022. Source: BESTINTESLA

Tesla dominance leads to False claims From GM

GM had lackluster sales of its Hummer EV in 2022 of just 854 units. Here's another crazy truth from GM about the Hummer EV: Duncan Aldred, global vice president of GMC and Buick, claims the Hummer EV is “the most sought-after vehicle in the world right now. What an incredible spin doctor - this guy is trying very hard to ensures that the public understands things from a false perspective,

This man (Ducan) has no shame.

The Truth Hurts! - Legacy auto is in big trouble and many will not survive.

Legacy Auto is doomed - Wise and inciteful commentary from the Daily Dollar YouTub Cannel.


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