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The Notorious Tesla Hater Gordon Johnson Speaks


The most vocal Tesla critic sheds light on what's bad about the Tesla Q4 earnings report.

Gordan Johnson is the biggest Tesla critic, and he not about to stop.

The Tesla Analyst: GLJ Research's Gordon Johnson has maintained a very negative thesis on Tesla stock for years. He has been a consistent bear on Tesla as well as Elon Musk. He thinks all the Tesla Fanboys are completely delusional and need to re=think the value of Tesla.

Here is Gordon Johnson's profile and current tech analyst results:

Not even 1 star Gordon... what's up with that? Average return - not so good.

Gordon Jonson says Elon Musk has a big problem with the truth.

Here's an interview where Gordon discusses his views on the Tesla 4Q22 results. He claims his key insights, are based on the data, not predictions from Elon Musk, who seems to have a pathological problem with the truth.

Gordon, sure has sharp opinions about the Tesla team. Take a chill pill dude!

Is Gordon Johnson correct about Tesla - NOPE!

Well... Gordon must be looking at the wrong data, because investors are putting a whole lotta money down on Tesla stock! In fact Tesla Stock has gone up 23% since the Tesla Q4 earnings release a couple of days ago. Gordon's data sources are making him look bad, once again. Will Gordon ever get it right?

Gordon Johnson the iconic Tesla Killer Goat

You really have to give credit to Gordon. He's the Sultan of Tesla Smack-Talk, the King of Tesla Kick-Ass, and the Master of Tesla Malicious-Malcontent! If there was a Hall of Fame for Tesla Hate, Gordon would get in with a unanimous vote. No one does it better than Gordon! Good luck with your analysis Gordon and be good.


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